
Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on Earth. This remarkable bird of prey thrives everywhere, from urban skyscrapers to remote cliffs.
Common Name:
Peregrine Falcon
Scientific Name:
Falco peregrinus

IUCN Red List Status:
Least Concern
Graphic representation of the IUCN Red Status
A photograph of a peregrine falcon

General Description

The peregrine falcon is a medium-sized bird of prey with a sleek blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a distinct black head. It boasts a 100 to 120 cm wingspan and pointed, tapered wings that enable it to fly at high speeds and make rapid directional changes. Juveniles have darker, streaked plumage, which sets them apart from the adults’ cleaner and more sharply defined appearance.

Diet and Habitat

The fastest animals on Earth, peregrine falcons, exhibit remarkable hunting prowess as they strike prey mid-air with a high-speed dive, reaching speeds over 320 km/h. These formidable hunters target mid-sized birds like doves, waterfowl, and songbirds, occasionally hunting small mammals and reptiles. Peregrine falcons are found everywhere except extreme polar regions, high mountains, and most tropical rainforests.

Life Expectancy

Peregrine falcons typically live longer than many other birds of prey, with a lifespan of 15-20 years in the wild. They reach sexual maturity at around one year and generally mate for life. Every year, the female lays three to four eggs in a scrape on a cliffside, and both parents share the duty of incubating the eggs.

Did You Know?

Peregrine falcons adapt incredibly well to urban environments. In New York City, it's common to see them nesting on skyscrapers and hunting urban prey such as pigeons and ducks.

Have Any Questions?

While public visitation isn't possible, we welcome inquiries from researchers, conservationists, and those passionate about conservation.

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