
Desert Bighorn Sheep

Desert bighorn sheep are skilled climbers with impressive curved horns. Their unique ability to thrive in harsh environments has won over the symbol of resilience in the wild.
Common Name:
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Scientific Name:
Ovis canadensis

IUCN Red List Status:
Least Concern
Graphic representation of the IUCN Red Status
A photograph of a desert bighorn sheep

General Description

Desert bighorn sheep have brown fur and muscular bodies, with a height of up to 1.8 meters, and weighing between 72.6 and 113.4 kg, with some males exceeding these figures. Males have significant curved horns, essential for defense and foraging, and can weigh as much as 13.6 kg. While they may not match mountain goats in agility, their hooves enable them to climb steep hills easily. During battles for dominance, males can reach speeds of up to 32 km per hour.

Diet and Habitat

Desert bighorn sheep's diet consists of grasses. Their unique stomach contain bacteria to help them digest and retain water more efficiently as they seek safety on cliffs and thrive in harsh environments.

Life Expectancy

The lifespan of these majestic animals varies depending on the health of their population. In stable or declining populations, they are expected to live for an average of 10 years, with females rarely exceeding 15 years and males rarely surpassing 12.

Did You Know?

Thanks to their divided hooves and short legs, desert bighorn sheep can jump over large distances and move along narrow ledges.

Have Any Questions?

While public visitation isn't possible, we welcome inquiries from researchers, conservationists, and those passionate about conservation.

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